5 years and counting…

007/008/ 009/ 010/ 011 survey

1.Will you be looking for a new job?
– i will try to find another way to make money so, yeah, i guess.

* uhm, i think i’ll just add whatever i can think of aside from selling munchkins cuz i can’t do that in COLLEGE. so yeah, maybe. i’m always trying to find different ways to make money anyways. lmao.

+ no. i see myself as a nurse now. amazingly. yeah, i am as SHOCKED as you are.

= as much as i appreciate my parents for sending me to college, nursing will never be something i love and i won’t stop reaching for that thing that’ll bring me contentness so yes, i will. but i’m speaking ahead of myself.

. I have been unemployed all of my life, unfortunately. But this year I am going to try to make some extra income. I have my hopes set high for being a certified blogger in the Cebu scene. πŸ™‚


2. Will you be looking for a new relationship?
– i don’t know if i wanna put myself in a “serious relationship” situation or if i like playing around. so, rightnow, i think i’ll take whatever comes. 

^ i think i’m AWESOME! hahaha.

* no. i’m happy with the one i’m in now.

+ no. i love having a boyfriend. and most of all, i love james.

no matter what.

= i hate reading my previous answers. i was so naive. yes, i will be looking for a new relationship. hopefully this time it will be a healthy one and this time i will be truly happy.

. Well, it’s nice to know that SOME dreams come true. I did find myself a good and happy relationship and I do hope that this is the one for me. Since I’ve started, I’ve never really liked speaking so soon but with Paolo, he makes me believe in a forever. 

3. New house?
– hopefully. i wanna go back to apas.:(

* god knows how much i want to.

+ oh god. i wish!

= for the first time, i’m happy in this little house. i’ve learned that it doesn’t matter how big my house is as long as i have a happy family.

. No. Sun Valley is growing on me. lol

4. What will you do different in 07?
– i will embrace everyday. i won’t let too many things pass me by and i will take more chances. that means, find the guts to sneak out.

^ i did sneak out ONCE. but i got caught. and i DID take more chances.
i fell inlove and fought for it. yipeee.

* this year, i’m going to live more. appreciate more, curse LESS, for once in my life i will be OPTIMISTIC!, care more, earn more,
continue to take more chances, pay more attention, learn to listen, control my temper better,love more, pray more, fight for myself more, be more independent, be better, be stronger, be smarter, be more responsible, PARTY MORE!, mean what i say more and i will not forget to ALWAYS BE REAL.

+ this year, i’m going to focus on my studies and try my best to be a better girlfriend. i just realized that maybe the reasons why i was such a bad gf to james is because i’m selfish. i’ll try to change that. but then again, it’s hard to break old habits ;]

= this year, i’ll take whatever comes and make the best out of it. everyday i learn and with every lesson the more human i become.

. I’m going to try to be a better person in general this year. Less judgmental and maybe I’ll try to not always have the need to have an opinion on everyone/ everything.

5. New Years resolution?
– not to slouch
not to write on myself
wear more colors
embrace things more
etc. etc.

^ pffft.

* i don’t have any this year.

+ oh, you just have to wait for that. πŸ˜€

= to do things differently and not based on the fears i have based from past relationships.

. I’ve realized that resolutions are short lived but so far, I have achieved most of my resolutions and for this year, I wish: 

  1. To be more goal oriented
  2. To eat healthier (VEGETABLES!!)
  3. To pay off my debt (Php 6,500.00)
  4. To find a way to make extra income
  5. To make my hosting debut (if I get it) a stepping stone for my career
  6. To stop writing blasphemous entries on my xanga
  7. To drink at least 5 glasses of water a day

6. What will you not be doing in 07?

– kissing random boys.


* running away from home, getting into HUGE fights with james, slipping away from my friends, having PMS, cursing as much, loosing/ wasting money

+ all the things i said i wouldn’t do last year. hehe

= kissing random boys and getting too drunk. :/

. I make myself laugh. Getting into trouble because of xanga; getting into any more fights with my family; hitting Paolo

7. Any trips planned?
– moal boal. but knowing my mother, that won’t push through!

^ did i go, ba? don’t remember. lmao.

* none so far.

+ anywhere. hopefully out of the country. πŸ™‚

= to your heart HAHAHA

. maybe to go somewhere with Paolo because we’ve never done that before.

8. Wedding plans?
– aunt debbie

^ that i didn’t even bother to go to.

* mine 
[because i’ll be turning 18 this year and i’m positive about wanting to marry James] HAHA

+ hopefully none of my friends.

= no ones. hopefully. still

. I’m currently engaged and maybe soon πŸ™‚

9. Major thing on your calendar?



+ the end of my first year of COLLEGE!

= Bohol with Bayot and just lots of fun trips with friends πŸ™‚

. Garland ceremony, thesis making, turning 21?

10. What can’t you wait for?
– summer and sinulog and mega parties.

* graduating, college, being 18, being able to party like a wild monkey and hopefully having a REALLY nice year with james.

+ good times. a life worth living. success in school.

= graduation so it’ll finally be over with.

. This year? Turning a year with Paolo and achieving all my dreams.

11. What would you like to see happen differently?
– the player falling for the princess and the princess not catching him.

* my relationship with my family. i just want PEACE.

+ my papa’s health fully restored.

= i just want to be happy this year. no more drama. i would want everything to be easy for me for once. i wanna be the lucky one.

. I would want to see a miracle happen with my lolo. I want him to be normal again.

12. What about yourself will you be changing?
– a l o t

* a l o t

+ a lot

= not much

. how I handle my temper and how I treat people when I’m mad. especially Paolo.

13. What happened in 06/ 07/ 08/ 09/ 10 that you didnt think would ever happen?
– HAHA. a lot!

* GOD. first, having a REAL boyfriend, leaving the house, maintaining my grades.

+ being hit by james…

= breaking up with james and picking myself from all the mess. being able to move on and find myself. even though it was such a hard process.

. meeting Paolo, making it all the way to the 3rd year, auditioning for something in college, my lolo having a stroke. EVERYTHING. i never expected anything to happen this year. Maybe that was the beauty of it all.

14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about?
– uhm .. i have to think about it.

^ once again, i am AWESOME.

* yes. especially to my papa and to james.

+ oh yes

= yeah, i know who my friends are now and i know who i cherish and i’m not going to make the same mistakes i made before. 

. definitely.

15. Will you dress differently this year than you did in 06/ 07/ 08/09/ 10/ 11?
– i hope i gain some fashion sense this year!

* if i can afford to then, why not?

+ i can FINALLY afford to so yes, it will.

= it depends.

. I’m always up to a challenge.

16. Will you start or quit smoking?
– i might start. but i don’t see myself as a smoker, really.

*if i wasn’t so darn committed to my boyfriend, i’d start.

+ occassionally.

= stop. :/

. haha. funny kaayo ni, grabeh! stop na. Stop.

17. Will you better your relationship with your family?
– no. i don’t know. i just want my mm to shut up.

^ this’ll never happen.

* yeah, i’ll try.

+ so far,i wouldn’t change anything. i like how my relationship with my family is na

= yes, i’m going to be a better sister to casey and a more responsible sister to miguel. i will try to set a better example for them and most especially, i’m going to try harder with the Chua family. i never really cared much for family before but i guess you’ll learn how important it is in the long run.

. one thing I’ve realized is that no matter how much you hate each other, family is family and at the end of the day- they’re the only ones you’ve got. If I can make things better than they already are then yes, that’s something I would want.

18. Will you do charity work?
– YES!

* yeah, it’s my humble pie. :]

+ maybe not.

= proli.i would like to.

. Ako man ang kinahanglan ug charity oie.

19. Will you go to bars?
– yeah. i want to. i soo want to!

* yep. more frequently. 

+ not as much as i would’ve wanted to.

= not as much. it gets old. same scene, same mistakes… with different people.

. Depends πŸ™‚

20. Will you be nice to people you dont know?
– not that i’m ever mean to them but ok…

* yeah, i will. and i’ll spread somma that niceness on james.

+ no. people annoy me now.

= maybe. i am who i am and i’m not sorry for that.

. yes, I’ll start accepting more people on FB now. lol. No, really. I will. I’ve thought about that before.

21. Do you expect 07/ 08/ 09/ 010/ 011 to be a good year for you?
– i hope it will. i just want a good, fun year.

* yeah, i do.

+ yes, i do.

= i don’t but i would want it to.

. I don’t expect anything.

22. How much did you change from this time last year til now?
– i changed.

* oh so much. i can’t even believe i was so much more hate the world than i already am last year.

+ things have definetely changed, my friend.

now i’d like to think i’m more focused [!?] yet i’m also very much in vain.

= immensely. i am not the same person i used to be.

. completely.

23. Do you plan on having a child?
– hell no.

* still, no.

+ oh jesus, no.

= NO! [ i can’t wait til my answer here is YES!]

. HAHAHA then this is the year. Kidding. I do want a baby but not yet. I’m not ready :}

24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with?
– not all.

* most of them.

+ yes.

= no. not all. i know who to keep na.

. hopefully.

25. Major lifestyle changes?
– maybe. i wanna be a party girl. lol

not major. oh, maybe major. i still wanna be a party girl. i want my boyfriend to be my best accessory during those times. i just want to be fabulous. [but i’ll have to be RICH first. haha]

+ yeah. maybe i’ll hang out with my friends more.

= ugh why did i wanna be a “party girl” so much? it’s disgusting. if i could tell myself the things i know now. 😦 Llifestyle? i just want my life to be filled with people i love.

. Basta di lang lagi ko ma diabetic, ok ra kaayo.

26. Will you be moving?
– hope so

* doubt it.

+ no, don’t think so.

= nope. doubt it.

. nope.

27. What will you make sure doesn’t happen 07/ 08/ 09/ 010/ 011?
– giving away confetti

* giving away confetti. and the bad fights. and failing college or not fitting in it.
and forgetting who my friends are or who i am and my values and the Lord.

+ loosing my confetti. and loosing james.

= i’m not going to be a hypocrite here and talk about confetti. not on xanga because this is the only place where i can be truly honest without fear of judgment. This year, i will not take about drugs because that’s one of the things i am proud of. I will NOT fail any classes again and i am not going to be the 3rd person in a relationship again. i am not going to get myself into stupid drama and i am not going to turn into someone with no values and morals.

. getting pregnant. and loosing Paolo.

28. What are your New Years Eve plans?
– it’s new year naman gani and im answering this. geez

* it passed already.

+ to stay up!

= PARTYY. sorry, i know my whole party speech a few answers up but it was an exception πŸ˜›

. I stayed up all night and that was fun.

29. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight?
– that happens?!

* unta. but yeah.

+ no 😦

= i don’t know about you but i did πŸ˜‰

. yes. The only person I want to kiss for the rest of my life.

30. One wish for 07/ 08/ 09/ 010/ 011?
– that i would just have a good year. last year screwed me badd.

+ to learn from my past experiences and put them into good works.

= to just live life the only way i know how and pray that it’ll be good to me.

. That everything with my lolo will be ok. :[




Well, well, well, I must say this is the part that I enjoy the most about my traditional year end blogs. The survey almost makes me depressed. lol. and also, I never put 100% thought into my answers. lol.

2011 in pictures:


January 17 was indeed the best day of my life. It started out with me just wanting a cheap drink and ended with me meeting Paolo and that changed my life completely. Before I met him, I really did think that love didn’t exist for me. I thought that it was out there but it was just something that I wouldn’t be finding. But I met him and he changed a lot of things. He changed everything ❀

Aside from meeting Paolo, I also met Michelle Peralta again after 10 long years. It was really nice to have her around even for just one day πŸ™‚


My dreams came true this month because me and Paolo officially became a couple. This also meant that I had a date for Valentines πŸ™‚

Unfortunately, I lost my camera on this month and died from asking Kevin to lend me money to buy a new one which I have not paid for yet. Oh god.

And also, around this time me and papa started fighting because I never told them about me and Paolo being together. Bogo jud.

-no picture-


I absofuckinlutely loved this month because I went to Manila just to watch Paramore perform live. What makes me happier now is knowing that I got to see them perform before they broke up 😦











